All Markets Are Not Created Equal: 7 Factors To Consider When Evaluating Blockchain-Enabled Collectibles Marketplaces (BECMs)
Collecting is big business. Today, over one-third of Americans self-identify as collectors, and, as of 2024, the market size for collectibles is now nearly $500 billion dollars. Collectibles are a booming industry—and blockchains are coming for them. A growing subset of the world’s collectors are actually traders whose sole intent is to buy and sell billions of dollars worth of collectibles—from rare whiskeys to luxury watches to handbags—with the goal of flipping them and making a profit.
The Endgame for Stablecoins
Today, we’re proud to announce our investment in Mountain Protocol, the issuer of USDM, a permissionless, yield-bearing stablecoin backed entirely by US Treasuries. We led the Series A round, which also included Castle Island Ventures, Coinbase Ventures and others. Stablecoins are among the largest addressable markets in crypto.
The Dawn of Bitcoin Programmability
Today, we are proud to announce our investment in Arch, a Bitcoin-native application platform that unlocks bridgeless decentralized finance (DeFi) on the world's most valuable blockchain. We led the investment with participation from OKX Ventures, Big Brain Holdings, Portal Ventures, CMS Holdings, Tangent and others.
Unbundling Sotheby’s
DeFi’s arch of innovation, historically speaking, has been focused on introducing new financial primitives, like AMMs and perpetuals, that give users new ways to trade cryptoassets. As of today, the land grab for obvious primitives has mostly ended, leaving only smaller exotic primitives to explore. The next wave of innovation will focus on using DeFi rails to fix broken markets.
加密货币正在走向多链,并且需要一个安全但灵活的互操作平台来连接整个行业。 Wormhole 是市场上领先的解决方案之一,具有全栈互操作平台。 今天,我很高兴地宣布,我们共同领导了一轮 2.25 亿美元的融资,用于虫洞开发。 本轮融资去年年底结束;我们今天正式宣布我们的投资,以配合今天上线的 W 代币的推出。
“价格就是新闻”是加密货币圈经常使用的格言,每当网络上出现了快速价格波动,引起了更多的参与和关注时,这句话就会被引用。我发现这句话的反面表述或许更加深刻:“新闻就是价格”。 在我为《Multicoin 2024的期待》做出的贡献中,我描述了资产定价方式的明显变化,我将其命名为“价值注意力理论”。
从某种意义上说,在过去30年里,每个服务器端安全漏洞或漏洞利用都有同一根源:某些敏感数据未加密(或攻击者获得了解密密钥)。 当在这个框架中呈现时,解决方案一目了然:不对数据进行解密,并确保不在任何服务器上存储解密密钥。
构建 GPU 互联网
我们很高兴宣布投资。 是领先的人工智能工作负载分布式计算市场。 我们引领种子轮,并参加了 A 轮融资。 总共从 Multicoin、Hack VC、6th Man Ventures、Modular Capital 以及一个由深度关联的天使投资者组成的财团筹集了 3000 万美元,以使按需、生产就绪的计算市场成为现实。
Filecoin 的基础 DeFi 原语
Filecoin 虚拟机 (FVM) 于 2023 年 3 月 14 日(圆周率日)推出。 在加密货币中,没有什么能与 FVM 相提并论。它可以让开发人员将支付和 DeFi 绑定到 Filecoin 网络上的现实世界原语,从存储开始。随着时间的推移,我们预计 FVM 还将能够实现带宽和计算资源的直接编程。
Multicoin 对 2024 年的期待
每年年底,我们都会聚在一起,讨论我们预计未来一年的一些重大变化。 这是我们第一次发布这些想法。 如想进一步讨论这些想法,请尽管与我们联系。